Str. Străpungere Silvestru nr. 52,
bl. T3-4, sc. B, ap. 1, Iași,
Jud. Iași, România, cod 700004
+40 744 501 422
The Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) project is one of the most prestigious research infrastructures in the world due to its unique state-of-the-art equipment. Implemented by the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei (IFIN- HH), ELI-NP has been designated by the Nuclear Physics Collaboration Committee of the European Science Foundation (NuPECC) as a major facility in the Nuclear Physics Long Range PlanThe ELI-NP finalized successfully the commissioning of the High-Power Laser System (HPLS), the most powerful laser in the world. The ELI-NP HPLS is now delivering the 2 x 10 PW @ 1 shot per minute, 2x1 PW @ 1 Hz and the 2 x 100 TW @ 10 Hz pulses and the first commissioning experiments are under implementation. The success of the HPLS implementation is the result of an excellent collaboration between ELI-NP and Thales.
Viitorul este inovația. Susținem inovatorii dinamici să creeze cu scop. Integrarea este cheia succesului economic. Scopul este nobil. Beneficiul este al tuturor.